Both. Passed CS, wait-listed in Arki.
Highschool classmates told me when it was announced.
Computer Science
Fine Arts
No. Why? Are you implying a stereotype that perpetuates a fallacy of sweeping generalization. 'Cause that's bad you know?
Yes. and 2s. and 3s. and 4s. and 5s. Lots of Dropped to.
11. NAGKA-3?
I just said so.
Fine Arts. duh.
About half?
Fine Arts. Hello!
2005. That's right. a decade buddy.
Eli "Where's the Libog?!!! Africa"
I forgot his name. Dude who gave me a 1 when I put flowers on my plate and a 3 when I had a demon on it. That was weird.
Photography. Red Room. Or Creative Writing.
Math 1, Math 11, Math 13, Math 14, Math 52, Math 53, Math 54, etc.
Sea Weed College. (Next to FA. Nice empty bathrooms.)
Thai Canteen (but I think they closed it.)
P1.25 I think...
No. Library sucked. Can't find a decent dinosaur or scifi book to save your life.
Yes. Had a respiratory infection once, F*ckin' Doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics that were P1000 per pill. Hello!? UP STUDENT!.
Dropped for some reason or another:
Philippine Games
Tai Chi
They all came out of the closet and formed stage act that is debuting on Broadway next season.
I don't even know the name of it.
I am now rolling on the floor. Laughing.
Again. On the floor.
The gang still has yet to successfully get me drunk. They should start a pot.
Kermit the Frog Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 28, '08
Yeah, pretty much what I said in my last review, but without the bukake.
He needs to see a dentist though. Coffee stains.
Responsible Power Usage Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 28, '08
One of the weirdest Hulks ever. I hear it's still cannon though, since Petey Parker was zapped in some issue or other and went green.
If you can find this guy, get him. It's one of those toys geared toward the younger crowd so it has an action feature, but unlike most, his isn't too annoying. Basically, if you push the lever in the back, his arms fly up. The arms still move independently so no biggie.
Good thing is; INDIVIDUAL FINGER ARTICULATION! That's right. The good thing about big figures is that you can fit joints onto fingers and put them in all sorts of offensive gestures. Very nice.
Detail is pretty good too. Some paint slop on mine, but all in all, green is green and red is red. Not too much to complain about.
That chin, though. Whatta profile.
Jerry Lewis Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 28, '08
This toy is just awful. Not only does it look like Hulk has missed about a week of sleep with those dark circles, but the articulation adds nothing to him and his hands look like he wants to play patty cake.
Only reason I have him is this guy who was selling an Abomination was selling the two as a set. I had just broken my second one, so I was desperate.
Oh well. He makes for funny pictures.
Bukkake Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 28, '08
This one is just yuck. Not a big fan of bukake, but this is one variant I had to have.
The Keown/David run on The Hulk was one of the best comic team ups ever. EVER. not only did they do the Transvaal storyline, they also had one of the best one-shot stories with the Infinity Gauntlet crossover where Hulk shrinks to a tiny rat-sized mighty-man and has to face Emil Blonsky in all his acid-faced glory.
Not only is it a moving story, the art is just the best Hulk vs. Abomination rendition I've ever seen. They both look massive (even if he's a tiny thing), and Abomination's face looks scary, not ridiculous.
That same thing is caried over to this toy. I'd have preferred it if they used a paint that was something a little less "Secret of the Ooze", but it's still a great representation. He's big, he's ripped, he's got warts and scales, and fins.
He's missing a torso joint, but let's face it. None of the torso joints in the other Hulks really helped much. The ratcheting in his arms and legs is really satisfying since you can get him in all sorts of poses, but be careful. His arms snap off if handled too much.I went through 2 regular Abo's before I decided not to touch his arms anymore.
If anyone wants an Abomination sans his right arm, let me know.
P.S. If you don't know what bukkake is, don't look it up at work.
Metal Band Hulk

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Three things though. His upper torso is a little mis-proportioned. Unlike his Hulk ancestors, Son of Hulk's chest and shoulders seem small compared to his lower extremities. I also don't like his light color. It seems way to light to hide in shadows. Last, the sheath for his knife won't stay on his belt. It just keeps falling off. Don't know why they didn't just stick it permanantly, or just put a hook there for a loop or something...
Oh, well. Still a nice figure, and if not worth getting on it's own, the Foom part gives it that many more points.
Facial Hulk

Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
The Keown/David run on The Hulk was one of the best comic team ups ever. EVER. not only did they do the Transvaal storyline, they also had one of the best one-shot stories with the Infinity Gauntlet crossover where Hulk shrinks to a tiny rat-sized mighty-man and has to face Emil Blonsky in all his acid-faced glory.
Not only is it a moving story, the art is just the best Hulk vs. Abomination rendition I've ever seen. They both look massive (even if he's a tiny thing), and Abomination's face looks scary, not ridiculous.
That same thing is caried over to this toy. I'd have preferred it if they used a paint that was something a little less "Secret of the Ooze", but it's still a great representation. He's big, he's ripped, he's got warts and scales, and fins.
He's missing a torso joint, but let's face it. None of the torso joints in the other Hulks really helped much. The ratcheting in his arms and legs is really satisfying since you can get him in all sorts of poses, but be careful. His arms snap off if handled too much.I went through 2 regular Abo's before I decided not to touch his arms anymore.
If anyone wants an Abomination sans his right arm, let me know.
Metal Band Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 28, '08
I've never seen this Hulk character in the comics so I can't tell you if they did an accurate representation. I can tell you it's a pretty good figure. His tattoos are nice, the face is mean, and his knife is awesome.
Three things though. His upper torso is a little mis-proportioned. Unlike his Hulk ancestors, Son of Hulk's chest and shoulders seem small compared to his lower extremities. I also don't like his light color. It seems way to light to hide in shadows. Last, the sheath for his knife won't stay on his belt. It just keeps falling off. Don't know why they didn't just stick it permanantly, or just put a hook there for a loop or something...
Oh, well. Still a nice figure, and if not worth getting on it's own, the Foom part gives it that many more points.
Boy Band Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on Jul 25, '08
Pretty great figure in itself. Personally, I'd have preferred a nice labcoat that he could streak with, but hey...
The thing that really brings the rating down is his lack of a lower leg joint. Considering that all the others in this wave have either have the nice upper knee balljoint (the one that they started on the Ghostrider movie toys) or a cut joint somewhere in the lower leg, this really sucks. They've got a perfect place for it too; right there with the boots.
Doofi... (that's plural for Doofus.)
Lou Ferrigno Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 25, '08
The Hulk to end all Hulks. This is quite frankly, the best sculpted Hulk figure ever made. His face just looks MEAN and perfectly cranky. He really reminds me of Ferrigno from the TV series.
Problem is, his articulation is the worst. Period.
You can't really do anything with him. His arms and legs can only move about 10 degrees before they're stopped by something, and he's really too heavy to stand in anything but his default position. I don't even know why he's got that hole in his back for the clear stand. I've broken two just trying to use them with him.
Plus, his hands are OPEN. WTF Toybiz? He's the HULK. you know, "HULK SMASH! GRRRR!"??? Totally useless.
Don't know who's bright idea that was but he's a moron.
Ball-sack Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 25, '08
Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing when you saw the picture...
Even with the weird head (pun intended), the Leader is a great addition to a Hulk collection. He really is the best villain they have for him. I've been wanting to get the Long headed version (so I can have a... nevermind), but I hesitate knowing that I have to fork over 1.5k-2k to get the variant two pack with him. Do I really need a Ferrigno Hulk with an open mouth?
And no, that wasn't a bj reference.
Russel Crowe Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 25, '08
Still one of my favorites. Even after all the rest.
You can't beat a Hulk that looks as if he should be fighting naked next to the 300 Spartans screaming awhooo!
If he had a sword it'd be even kewler, but hey, who needs one when you can smash through solid steel?
One of these days I will buy this story arc and actually learn what the hell the story behind this guy is, but until then, I'll be making up my own. They normally involve him coming home to scantily clad super heroines and or humanoid aliens.
Prison Bitch Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 25, '08
Another favorite. House of M Hulk.
Those tattoos are just killer. Though they don't look as detailed as the ones I saw on the prototype, they're still good. Really badass actually.
Watch out though. They didn't really use a good paint. It tends to flake off around the joints, especially if you play with them as much as I do.
Grand Master in Undies Hulk
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Originally posted July 25, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
Really great figure. He's got a detailed, creepy sculpt with alot of his musculature exposed and the rest ready to pop out. The long hair isn't blocking his neck articulation so you can get some decent action poses with it.
Best thing is, one of his hands is in a fist, the other in an open pose that doesn't look limp. It looks like, "C'mere-so's-I-can-grab-your-face-and-smash-it-with-my-other-hand-which-is-a-fist".
I may need anger management classes soon.
Anyway, I wish all hasbro toys had the ratcheting mechanism this guy has. Any pose you put him in will lock. It's really good. Of course, you see the teeth of in the joints, but it's not as obvious as it'd be in a superhero in tights. The lack of the swing joint in the ankle still hurts him, but he's still worth the money if you have the scratch.
Da King Hulk
Originally posted July 25, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
First one I picked up in the Hulk line. Now have two. sigh. But that's how it goes when you're fighting hoarders.
Can't say I regret getting him though. He just looks great with the Planet Hulk. If only they had a Savage Surfer (or didn't shortpack the Silver Surfer so I could custom one). Why did they not think about this sooner? Gladiators and Hulk? Perfect!
The gear is a little weird though. His axe looks tiny. I'd rather use Thor's. He's also a little tougher to stand. Since Hasbro did away with the side to side articulation in the feet, you can't place his feet flat. Need to balance him on the sides, which gets annoying.
Tim Roth Hulk
Originally posted at slangards.multiply.com on July 25, '08
Ugh. Hate Hate Hate the new movie. Hulk retard! Audience want no-brainer action film!
Still, he was pretty heavy (actually heavier than some of the Foom Wave figs) and looks different enough to waste some money on. Figured he'd be the first one to go from the shelves and what do you know, I was right.
The other figs in the series sucked big hoary balls (except the Hulkbuster soldiers who would be good army builders in scale with 6" figs...) so I didn't even bother.
Still, he was pretty heavy (actually heavier than some of the Foom Wave figs) and looks different enough to waste some money on. Figured he'd be the first one to go from the shelves and what do you know, I was right.
The other figs in the series sucked big hoary balls (except the Hulkbuster soldiers who would be good army builders in scale with 6" figs...) so I didn't even bother.
Elvis Hulk
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
At certain angles, in certain lighting, his sculpt makes him look like he has sideburns. Looks like Elvis.
Kinda like Hulk if he was drawn by Japanese people and talked like a doofus.
Kinda like Hulk if he was drawn by Japanese people and talked like a doofus.
Grand Pa Hulk

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Plus his legs can only really be put in one position. There's no second ball joint/cut joint at the knee or below, so the hip joint is totally useless.
Not much in the way of accessories either. Just a crown that falls off constantly.
Still, he looks great with King Hulk, Planet Hulk, or End Hulk.
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
One of my favorite toys.
Got him for P500, and never regretted it. He's just huge! Plus his articulation is totally functional. He can stand in many positions since his big feet really support him well.
The extras are great too. They little gremlin fits in his back if you want to hide him away, as well as the missles in his chest. Careful though; quality control was notorious at ToyBiz with figures that had different heads and two left arms. This one's no different. Mine had a badly fitted front panel that won't close with the missile inside. Still. not a big thing.
The detail is awesome. You'll find hoses and pistons galore. Little wires are sculpted all over and his paint wash really makes him look great in photos.
I don't know what he was in the comics, but the toy incarnation is flat out kewl.
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
I've been wanting to get the Toybiz variant of Sasquatch for the longest time to pretend he was a Wendigo and re-enact the McFarlane Spider-man arc with him, Wolvie and Spidey.
Now with the Hasbro Foom wave, I don't need to!
This version is much more accurate, with a great sculpt. He's appropriately big and this time has a tail. His articulation is a bit lacking, but that's expected with these big figures.
Hasbro has really improved since the first Marvel Legend wave came out, and I'm really looking forward to more. Of course with the price going up on toys, I paid more for this thing than I would have if I had gotten a white Sasquatch, but it's totally worth it in my opinion.
Baldie (Hulk)
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
Absorbing Man from the Foom Wave.
Nice. If there wasn't a Hulk Classics version, I'd be really excited about him. As it is, I find myself wishing he had extra arms and legs of different materials, like the Fantastic Four Super Skrull (both of which I'm still looking for by the way).
Still a very nice toy with a great accessory (Ball and chain weapon). Not sure he was worth P1.1k though...
Dumb Hulk
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
He's just got this face that screams, "I'm special..."
Great articulation, probably the best in the lot, but that awful looking head kills it for me.
Originally posted July 24, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
I love the sculpt on Maestro, but he's got some of the worst articulation among the Hulks. His wrist joints are really unsightly; hands on sorta like pegs that plug into the wrist. Really obvious with no effort to hide it.
Plus his legs can only really be put in one position. There's no second ball joint/cut joint at the knee or below, so the hip joint is totally useless.
Not much in the way of accessories either. Just a crown that falls off constantly.
Still, he looks great with King Hulk, Planet Hulk, or End Hulk.
Marvel Legends - Fin Fan Foom Wave
Originally posted July 21, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
Foom is HUGE. Though he's not as posable as the ToyBiz BAFs, he looks great.
And Hulk being my favorite Marvel character, this is the best wave yet.
Foom is HUGE. Though he's not as posable as the ToyBiz BAFs, he looks great.
And Hulk being my favorite Marvel character, this is the best wave yet.
Transformers: Animated - Wave 1 & 2
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Originally posted July 18, '08 on slangards.multiply.com
I had resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't have a chance to get the second wave of the new TFA toys when I missed the Hero launch the other week at Robinson's Manila.
Then while at SM Taytay to watch The Dark Knight, I found a TFU Prowl and Sunstreaker in Hypermart. They didn't have any TFA toys and since it had been days since the launch, was sure they weren't getting them. A visit to the department store at the other side of the mall told me that TK Express didn't have anything either, not even TFU. Dissapointed, I promised myself I'd come back the next day with moolah and at least get the two TFU toys.
So I get there the next day and am entirely bummed that someone has bought the Prowl. Futilely cursing the person who swiped it and bitter about the loss of Prowl, I decide to forgo Sunstreaker, I go to the other side to see if maybe they at least got their share of the TFU shipments. Lo and behold... not only did they have the TFU figs, they got one case assortment of TFA wave 2!
Talk about impulse buy. Got everything except Tankor (they had him but he's not that impressive)
It's a hell of alot of money, but still, I don't have the buyer's remorse at all. Both the TF Universe and TF Animated lines are vast improvements over their 80's/90's couterparts, and far better than those lines released once the cartoon ended. I didn't want to do a review of each one. You can visit TF Philippines or Cybertron PH for that. Besides, I'm really lazy.
The thing I like most about the new lines are the sheer posability. Unlike my old Metroplex who has something like 10 points of articulation (all but 4 of them totally useless), these guys have tons. With the exception of a few (like TFA Bumblebee), they can be put in poses that rival what you can do with the Toybiz ML lines.
The other thing that keeps bringing me back to these lines is my satisfaction at solving the puzzle. The old processes that you saw in G1 toys are almost go-bot level compared to these guys. Look at the TFA Prowl. He is a small figure, but he's stumped most of the guys at work who try and transform him.
Unlike my skills with my PSP (which mainly consist of reading through voluminous walkthroughs). I've never used the instructions on these things. It's more fun figuring it out slowly, wondering at how they put each together. They aren't as solid as some of the old ones, but they sure look as if they can kick ass!
Still the complex construction does have it's drawbacks.
1) You've got parts falling off regularly.
They're all made to play with, so depending how you look at it, this can be a good thing. It can be a pain to have Ratchet's leg pop off, or have TFC Mirage come apart at the mid joint, but at least it's not the problems like cracked windshields and snapped joints I had as a kid.
2) Ball joints are either too loose or too tight
Particularly in the smaller ones, TFA Oil Slick and Prowl. Their hip joints are really useful in posing, but because they get so loose, it's hard to balance them. On the other side, Oil Slick, Prime's, and Jazz's shoulder joints are so tight, I'm afraid the post might snap every time I turn their arms.
Another gripe I have is the plastic. It's solid enough, but it looks so translucent. I guess you can't gripe too much since keeping their price down has already gotta be killer. I heard the new Hulk wave'll be P1100. demn.
All in all, Transformers is still the best line of toys for me, and as soon as I get a Bulkhead, Arachnia and Tankor, I'll be done.
Finding them at SRP and not having to pay 150% to scalpers is just icing.
The future of marketing...
Viral Marketing of The Dark Knight
When marketing this detailed lead to a film this good, I can't help but hope there's another one down the line. Let's hope Nolan and Bale are up for a 3rd installment and that it's every bit as good as the first two.
THE Shirt to get...
at http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/popculture/9f70/
I want this more than anything right now...
The Dark Knight
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Action & Adventure |
Originally posted July 17, '08 at slangards.multiply.com
I'll reserve judgement and not say this is the best comic book adaptation EVER... until I see Hellboy II.
I always like the dark version of Batman better. The "world's greatest detective" version of him was always a little disturbing, just like Adam West's version. I was glad that Nolan took him back to something similar to Miller's version of Batman in "Batman Begins"; the unappreciated champion of a dark, dangerous city.
Looking at this film, it's hard to tell it's the same director. Nolan's look for the film is almost like a documentary. I kept thinking cop drama. The streets are streets of a real Gotham this time, not the dark alleys covered in black like the first one. The whole thing goes well with the tone of the film, though the camera work doesn't do the fight scenes much good. I still prefer Hong Kong style to the jittery hand held.
The casting on this thing is spot on. The only thing I remembered Heath Ledger from was 10 Things I Hate About You and Knight's Tale, but after his stint here, I find myself wishing there could have been a sequel. Eckhart is great as Dent, too, and though I think Katie Holmes is cute as hell, Gyllenhall inhabits her character much better.
Only gripes I had were that it was LONG. went in 10:20, came out like 1. Found myself wondering when the final scene was coming. That and Gordon's wrap up. A little over the top. And the aforementioned camera work during the fights. And that Bat-fingerprint-on-disintegrated-bullet-reconstructor software Wayne had. ugh.
I'm not gonna ruin it anymore. Just go watch. Just not in an SM Cinema, cause I'm pretty sure they cut shit out.
Michael Bay's Dark Knight
"We pan to a beautiful woman: platinum blonde with a huge rack. She is the hottest woman in the world, but she wears glasses because she is also the smartest woman in the world"
--- I don't know if this is true, but I can believe it after hearing his commentary on Transformers. What a tool.
El Diablo está llegando

Diablo 3 is coming! Holy brown stains on my shorts, Batman, this thing is worth the wait. Visit Blizzard's site and take a look at what's in store. The teaser trailer's done well, but what you really want is in the gameplay sample.
Just look at the screenshot! That monster just tore off that poor bastard's head! That in and of itself is worth the price of admission.
I'm gonna get me a new PC just so I can play this sucker.
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