
Komikon 2014

Return to Komikon!

It's been a couple of years since I was able to visit Komikon at the Bayanihan Center in Pasig City, but last Saturday I was able to stop by after it opened and catch up on the local comics scene. I gave a bunch of my copies of favorites titles away recently so I needed to get some replacements as well.

Word to the wise for next year, it opens at 10am, but unless you're trying to get first in line for something, it's probably better to arrive around 11am so you don't have to wait in line to enter the convention floor.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Live Action Role Play Figures

Mazes & Mutants is one of the best episodes of the most recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series. In it, the four turtles decide to play the eponymous game and eventually to cosplay their chosen characters, turning it into a Live Action Role Play or LARP.

Things get hairy when another young mutant, Sir Malachi, decides to turn the role play part into reality with his hallucinatory powers. They have to defeat the dragon, save the girl, and win the day.

With the help of Mikey's +1 Ring of Awesome.


Despite all the awful reviews for Christopher Nolan's new film, Interstellar, I decided to give it a shot and watch it in IMAX. I felt that a movie about space travel really deserved to be seen on the really big screen.

While I'd have to agree that Nolan's film has it's problems, I was genuinely interested in what was happening on screen. The action scenes were very well done, the images very engrossing, and the science not completely Hollywood. Clocking in at 2 hours and 49 minutes, the movie's a hard sell to regular audiences, though, and I'd agree that most won't get as much bang for their buck as I did.

John Wick

You messed with the wrong guy.

That's basically what this movie is all about. To set your expectations straight, this is a revenge flick. It is a sub-genre of the action category that has recently included films like Taken, Man on Fire, Django Unchained, Old Boy, Munich, The Crow, and hundreds of others. Their unifying theme is that the bad guy always gets his due.

John Wick doesn't mess with the formula.