
Vote for!

Re-posting Bim's post from because we're all pathetic geeks at GeekOut who need the attention desperately!

Vote for us now! Then come back and vote for us in 2 hours! We'll give you candy! Click HERE to vote!

Okay! has been selected as a finalist for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011! Woot woot! We're in the Best Geek Blog category, which I gotta tell you, is quite an honor!
You should vote for us because we're lonely and we need friends. Please, guys, you gotta do this for us. For friendship. And happiness. If we're being honest, we're the underdogs here, we're unknown, so we need all the help we can get. If you've ever felt anything for a geek (complex emotions such as pity) out here in the Philippines, then give us a vote. For every successful vote, we will give you Internet dollars.

Click HERE to vote. Voting starts today, November 15, 2011, and ends on November 27, 2011!

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