
City Strike Beachhead

I went on and on about the Pursuit of Cobra Snake Eyes, but let me tell you, he got top marks largely because he was Snake Eyes. Like Wolverine, or Batman, that name brings a lot to the table. If I had to choose one Pursuit of Cobra figure though that stood out from the rest through merit alone, I'd have to say it was Beachhead.

Though he doesn't have the cache that Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow have, he's always been a favorite Joe of mine. Because I was a dumb kid, I always imagined he was a ninja too (duh, mask), so he was always the one I'd send on missions with my Snake Eyes when I was a kid, loading them up with all sorts of guns and swords and having them kick Cobra's ineffectual ass.

I'm no longer sure how it happened (it's been maybe a year since the Pursuit of Cobra line arrived) that he became a pegwarmer, but somehow there was a huge gap in the supply between the other figures in the first few waves and the Beachhead figures. The rest of the toys were sold in sets, while Beachhead was regulated to the toy aisles in Toy Kingdom Megamall. There was one shelf dedicated to the line and almost all the figures on it were Beachheads.

Beachhead was the reason that I got started with the Pursuit of Cobra line. I saw this figure and the Firefly figure in photos when the line had first started. The photographer had placed them in a diorama simulating an urban environment and jeez, they looked good.

For the life of me, I could not understand why no one was buying this awesome figure.

Jim Lee's Cyclops

It really sucks that the first few batches of Marvel Universe figures were such poor looking toys. By the time the line's designers had gotten their shit together the Philippine distributor had given up on the brand as a lost cause and started lowering their orders for it.

By the time Series 2 started hitting toy stores here (the better designed H.A.M.M.E.R. Files) the number of figures on the shelves had been drastically cut. Having missed several waves, many of the casual collectors decided to sell off their Marvel Universe figures, unwilling to pay the prices needed to complete the line.

DC Universe Classics Green Lantern's Light!

I told myself I wouldn't do it. I said I wouldn't buy even one. But in the end, the urge took over and I gave in.

After that first Green Lantern, it was only a matter of time before I got another and another and another, and I knew this. I knew it would happen and I did it anyway. Now I'm stuck in the middle of a 6" corp that is missing far too many members. There's still Kyle Raynor. There's still Abin Sur. What about Sodam Yat? Boodika? Katma Tui? Then there are those beautiful Collect 'n' Connect figures Kilowog and Stel. Not to mention all the ones in the new Green Lantern Classics line.

Damn you, Mattel.This is worse than collecting Iron Man figures!

Batman: Arkham Asylum Series 2

I’m an idiot.

I had a little extra cash this month and since it had been awhile since I went toy shopping, I caved and bought the first thing I saw at the comic book store: a set of the Batman: Arkham Asylum Series 2 figures from DC Direct.

Hasbro Distribution on Sept. 24 at Megamall!

Thanks to the awesome people at Cybertron Philippines and Playkit, as well as the folks at Hasbro and Toy Kingdom, there are going to be some happy collectors this Saturday.

You guys know the drill by now. Line starts at 10 am sharp as soon as TK opens (and sometimes before), the priority lists come out before 11 am. You sign your name, indicate what you want, and get your number/s. Come 1 pm when the stocks arrive, you come back to the distribution area and wait for your name to be called. If you're not there and they run out of stocks, you're out of luck.

Venue: Toy Kingdom SM Megamall
Date: September 24 2011 (Saturday only)

Here's a list of stuff set to arrive on Saturday courtesy of the organizers:

Marvel Universe Wave 4 set of 5 - 2,499.75
  • Commander Steve Rogers
  • Darkhawk modern armor
  • Namor (Green Speedo + trident)
  • Ultron
  • X-23
Marvel Universe Wave 5 set of 5 - 2,499.75
  • Tony Stark (Unmasked Extremis Armor)
  • Iceman
  • Absorbing Man
  • Astonishing Wolverine
  • Magneto (Ultimates Costume)
Costco Exclusive Optimus Prime vs. Cyber Metal Armor Shockwave - 2,999.75
Star Wars Vintage Set of 5 - 2,499.75
  • Return of the Jedi Boba Fett
  • Return of the Jedi Keyan Farlander (B-Wing Pilot)
  • Return of the Jedi Tie Fighter Pilot
  • Return of the Jedi Han Solo
  • Return of the Jedi Princess Leia (Slave Outfit)

Star Wars: Ultimate FX Lightsaber - Price to follow

Armor Charge Iron Man and War Machine - 999.75

Unfortunately, I've already blown my wad on other things this month (stoopid Arkham Asylum figures and Thor Omnibus *grumble grumble*) so I won't be going to this one. Hopefully, I can score some singles of the Universe waves on the secondary market.

Saw & Claw Set

I love finding totally random stuff when I make the rounds. I found today's set at Lanz Toys & Collectibles at St. Francis Square here in Ortigas Center, Pasig City. I have no idea what these accessories were meant for or if they're boot legs. Not even sure what the Chinese characters on the card say. I imagine they're for some 6" or 7" fireman toy as the package suggests.

No way to tell really.

Bootleg Oversized Soundwave

"Soundwave, superior".

At least that was the opinion of the Decepticon Communications Officer during the 1986 animated feature film, The Transformers: The Movie (not to be confused with 2007’s Transformers). He must have had balls of adamantium, too, because the son of a bitch prefaced the phrase with “Constructicons, inferior.”

The Best of ANIME 2011!

The Best of ANIME 2011

September 17 - 18, 2011

Function Room 4 & 5, 3rd Level
SMX Convention Center
Mall of Asia Complex
Pasay City, Philippines
For more information visit

Marvel Universe X-Force Box Set

A few months ago, the new Marvel Universe Super Hero Team Box sets began showing up around toy stores. By far the most popular was the X-Force 3-pack, which disappeared pretty quickly. When re-stocks arrived soon after, the X-Force sets were scooped up within a week while the Classic Avengers and Fantastic Four sets lingered on shelves at Megamall’s Toy Kingdom.

I honestly don't see what all the fuss is all about.


I don't usually pick up Star Wars: The Vintage Collection (SW:TVC) figures. The last SW:TVC figure I bought was Snow Bunny Padme but that was just because I've got a huge crush on Natalie Portman.

Movie toy lines are wont to try and capture the images that are presented on screen, which, in my opinion, leads to compromises and overly complicated sculpts. Realism is best left to the the sculpture and stactions (mini-statues with minimal articulation) crowd. Most of the Hasbro movie action figures (with maybe the exception of the Iron Man 2 6" figures and perhaps the new Nick Fury) can serve as examples of that. Every one of their dead faces attests to the fact that simple computerized duplication of actors' facial features just doesn't work.

Fortunately, the figure I'm looking at today doesn't have that problem.

Fright Night (2011)

If you’re not aware, Fright Night is not exactly a new story. It wasn’t a new story when the first version came out in 1985 and it’s not new now that the remake is in theaters. The original came from an idea from then writer/director Tom Holland who wanted to do a spin on “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. In it, a boy named Charley Brewster discovers his next door neighbor is a vampire.

Of course, no one believes him until it’s too late.

It's going to be A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas!

I cannot tell you how happy I am to learn that this is coming out this year!

Wet-Suit with Dragonfish and Deep Six

Sometimes, when I don’t have the time to really stake out the malls here in Ortigas, I resort to buying the harder to score stuff from fellow collectors (or the occasional “opportunistic entrepreneur”). The mark up I end up paying is normally less than what I’d end up spending scouring the Metro for one of these popular items. Plus, I’m getting on in years and all that walking is lot of work, yeah?


I’ll start by saying that I enjoyed this movie. There are reasons, but most of them have to do with Zoe Saldana wearing panties and tank tops while firing guns way too big for her. It’s basically an hour and forty-seven minutes of Zoe running and gunning and that is beautiful.

That being said, this isn’t a great film.

DC Direct's Agent Diana Prince

I first saw the DC Direct (DCD) Wonder Woman Series 1 set at one of the December Toy Fairs (it might have been 2008, but they all kind of blend together). Most of the vendors were selling the figures for Php 2,000.00 or Php 2,500.00 (about $36 to $45 US at the time) a set, which was a pretty good price back then. Of course back then I was only starting out and was focused mostly on building my 6” Marvel super hero collection. Stupidly, I passed it up, despite admiring the set a number of times.

Savage Opress

With the new Clone Wars Wave 11 (2011) coming out this Saturday, I figured it was time to get this review out of the way since I’ll have another Savage Opress figure before long.

Savage Opress is a Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother. If you don’t know what that is, try and picture Darth Maul (the mean little bastard with the double lightsaber) from Episode 1, only yellow and taller.