


Originally posted July 24, '08 on

I've been wanting to get the Toybiz variant of Sasquatch for the longest time to pretend he was a Wendigo and re-enact the McFarlane Spider-man arc with him, Wolvie and Spidey.

Now with the Hasbro Foom wave, I don't need to!

This version is much more accurate, with a great sculpt. He's appropriately big and this time has a tail. His articulation is a bit lacking, but that's expected with these big figures.

Hasbro has really improved since the first Marvel Legend wave came out, and I'm really looking forward to more. Of course with the price going up on toys, I paid more for this thing than I would have if I had gotten a white Sasquatch, but it's totally worth it in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. i still like the 1st wendigo toy.
    yung meron hair talaga hahhaa..pero madumihin
